Thursday, August 13, 2009

Why I Love Tucker Max Part I of 100,927,383

So a while back I read this book "I Hope They Serve Beer In Hell" and i almost pissed my pants laughing several times, I mean this book is amazing. It's stories about some white frat boy type who gets drunk ALL the time and proceeds to fuck random girls not giving a shit about their feelings. Now some who know me well find it odd that I have proclaimed this man my hero, because he's my exact opposite, but that's not entirely true, I'm a complete assshole. but back to the main point. Tucker is my hero because in the words of Whitney Houston, he's "everything i would like to be" lol. DO i wish i could go out get drunk fuck random people be complete assholes to them and just walk away like lalalalala and go on amazing HIlarious adventures, you bet your ass I do lol. I mean who wouldn't. I think this is mostly in responce to me being stuck at home for college and not being able to do a damn thing half the time, which i have already expressed to my mother will end horibly when i move out and have a real job and responsibilities because i will need to get 20something years of repressed crazy shitfacedness out of my system.

So for now i live my life vicariously through you, oh great Tucker Max, may your slutdom continue into your 40s :)

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