Thursday, July 2, 2009

insomniac procrastination

It's like 2am and I'm wide awake, and writing this when I should be studying for my econ final tomorrow. And considering that I've taken this class an amount I care not release to the general public you'd think I'd have my head burried in a book, but nope.

Economics is crap such rediculous evil mean spirited crap.

One reason I really hate being awake at 2 is there's nothing on tv. As I scroll down the tv guide all I see is infomercials, repeats and porn, and not even the good kind. Not the infomercials that make me wana buy a fondu fountain, but the weird self help books written by pseudo doctors who are probably high on xanax right now. Not the good repeats like the "Cosby Show", but like "That 70's Show" after Topher left and it got weird. And that creepy porn where people are getting kinda freaky, not the funny type with the bad music and the plumber walking in on the lady in the shower and she goes "Oh, have you come to fix my pipes? They've been awfully clogged lately." lol

If i could find something halfway decent to watch, or find where my adderall is and take two so I could focus, I think life would be better at this current moment in time......

::sighs:: It's times like these when I miss him SO much, when i couldn't sleep, I could just call him or txt him cause he didn't sleep either....talking to him, or just hearing his name, his voice, or just knowing he was there to talk to, used to be so soothing put me to they send me in fits of rage and something gets broken lol

......ahhh there's nothing like rambling on for China in the middle of the night.

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