Sunday, July 5, 2009

::sings:: Just like a tattooooooo

So...this is my tattoo lol

I get a lot of questions about it mostly "were you that big of an alcoholic that you needed a tattoo to keep you sober?" And when I say no idiot lol they wana know then well wtf Ashley hehe. Basically it's the Kelly Clarkson song "Sober" (lyrics to follow post yo lol). There's a line that goes "picked all my weeds, but kept the flowers" and that's basically it. To me the line means getting rid of all the negative and bad things that are keeping you down and killing all the beautiful and good things about you. And that's basically what I did this year said fuck you to all the negative energy that surrounded me and was driving me slowly but surely insane.

AND TO NOTE THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH MR. IT!!!! (Well not a lot lol) I mean my tattoo is mostly about my only regret and spotless mind moment, and I guess we can say he's indirectly responisble/connected for that, but that's as far as it goes. People comeon I half refuse to acknowledge his existence wth I look like with anything concerning him on my body perminately. I'd ear shit and die before I ever even thought about that are you KIDDING ME! Lol

But ANYWAYZ lol I love my tattoo!!!

lyrics "Sober" by Kelly Clarkson

And I don't know, this could break my heart or save me

nothing's real, until you let go completely

so here I go with all my thoughts I've been saving

so here I go with all my fears weighing on me

three months and I'm still sober, picked all my weeds but kept the flowers

and I don't know, I could crash and burn, but maybe

at the end of this road I might catch a glimpse of me

so I won't worry 'bout my timing I'm gona get it right

no comparing, second guessing, no not this time

three months and I'm still breathing, been a long road since those hands I left my tears in

but I know, it's never really over, no

wake up

three months and I'm still standing here

three months and I'm getting better yeah

three months and I still am

three months and it's getting harder now

three months I've been living here without you now

three months yeah, three months i hold on

three months and I'm still breathing

three months and I still remember it

three months and I wake up

three months and I'm still sober, picked all my weeds but kept the flowers

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